Cybersecurity is like insurance. There is never a need for insurance until something happens, but if you don’t already have insurance… at that point it’s too late.

Waiting until you’ve been hacked is the wrong time to get serious about cybersecurity. We use Bensinger Consulting for cybersecurity services and we have never been hacked. They keep our firewall and network devices impregnable from outside hackers clacking away at their keyboards. They also provide our employees with ongoing training and phishing emails. If anyone clicks on a link, Bensinger Consulting receives notification and follows up with targeted training. Bensinger Consulting is not the cheapest IT company, but price isn’t the issue. The issue is value. Going with a cheaper IT company won’t save you money in the long run if your most valuable assets are vulnerable to hackers and naïve employees. I have known other business owners who did NOT take cybersecurity seriously and THEY WERE HACKED. I sleep well at night knowing that Bensinger Consulting keeps safe everything for which I have worked so hard.

Rick Cox President & CEO, RLC Labs

We are able to seamlessly integrate multiple office locations with Bensinger Consulting.

Bensinger Consulting has been hosting our servers in the cloud since 2011. We have multiple office locations. Having our servers hosted in the cloud gives us secure, remote access from any location. Bensinger Consulting consolidated our email so that we can easily use multiple email addresses (e.g.,,, Their Virtual Office solution is also scalable. We can add or remove users as needed by leasing the software on a monthly basis. In 2012 we began using a hosted PBX solution for our phones which has allowed us to seamlessly integrate multiple office locations. Bensinger Consulting always gives us prompt support whenever we need them.

Vijay Patibandla, VP of AZ Operations RBW Companies

Bensinger Consulting is always available when I need them.

ryan-coreyI can and actually have called at just about any time, day or night.  Bensinger Consulting has always been available when I need them.  I recently called to get some computers setup and a technician was in our office in less than an hour and stayed for the rest of the day.  They have done a great job keeping our network secure and running properly so that I don't have to worry about it.

Ryan Corey, Operations Manager Lee & Associates in Phoenix

BusinessEvault gives me the ability to collaborate with office staff while traveling outside the office.

marc-pierce-leeBusinessEvault gives me the freedom to work outside the office on my mobile devices while collaborating with office staff. Our files stay synchronized no matter where I am.

Marc Pierce, Principal Lee & Associates Commercial Real Estate Services
Phoenix, AZ

Things Are Setup Right The First Time

Their staff is knowledgeable. They set things up right the first time. We have not had any significant issues since hiring Bensinger Consulting for our IT services. When we do need to call, our problems are fixed quickly and correctly!

Carl Lind Wizard Education

Bensinger Consulting Takes Security Into Account With All Their Solutions

I am a one-man IT department and I’m so thankful to have Bensinger Consulting as part of my team.  I am able to utilize their tools and expertise to implement solid security solutions.  Also, I am able to go on vacation and truly relax knowing that Bensinger Consulting will take care of things while I’m away.  If you’re a one-man IT department and you need a team that has your back, give Bensinger Consulting a call!

Robert Polk PEM Real Estate Group

They Keep Us Safe and Excellent Response Times

Cyber security threats are constantly evolving.  Bensinger Consulting keeps our systems safe from employee errors and outside threats.  They manage our network and computers so that we can do what we do best, serve our customers.  They provide us with the information we need to make informed decisions about our business.  Their technicians are always patient and take the time to break down issues into language we can understand.  They have excellent response times and are always there when we need them, both during the normal work week and after hours.

Heather Hendon Danny’s Truck Wash

They Made Improving Our Security EASY

We are not technical, but they made improving our security EASY.  They make sure we meet data security requirements for our industry.  If you have non-technical people, Bensinger Consulting will be very patient.  They have excellent customer service!

Melanie Mroz C2C Advisors

Reliable Uptime and Very Responsive!

They significantly improved my uptime by configuring my network and server correctly.  They were able to fix issues that my previous IT firm was unable to fix.

Bensinger Consulting takes a common sense approach to IT and keeps things simple, even when the projects are very complex.  When we do need to call them, they are always very responsive.

James Peacock SKU Distribution

Bensinger Consulting Keeps Us Safe, Secure and Functioning at the Highest Level

Bensinger Consulting keeps us safe, secure and functioning at the highest level. We never have to worry about our information getting out there. Also, every single time we have requested help with an issue it has been handled quickly, thoroughly and kindly. Ed and his people are wonderful to work with. They are part of our team. We appreciate them so much! Any business would be lucky to have Bensinger Consulting for their IT company.

Dr. Jennifer Mundt Delete Tattoo Removal

Always buy Microsoft software from a Microsoft Partner!

As a growing health care company, our IT demands are significant. When we reached out to Bensinger Consulting to have our servers, networking structure and software analyzed in preparation for growth, it was discovered that our Microsoft licensing was not only inadequate for our use, but also illegitimate - even though we had paid our prior IT company for legitimate software. As a Microsoft Certified Partner, Bensinger Consulting was able to straighten out our Microsoft licensing before being audited by Microsoft or Business Software Alliance (BSA) which would have resulted in tens of thousands of dollars in fines. In addition, Bensinger Consulting discovered that our prior IT company had left us with several network security vulnerabilities. That is a very serious concern in the age of digital medical records. Bensinger Consulting helped us secure multiple vulnerabilities in our network. We are thankful for their professional, responsive, and honest approach to business.

Dr. Scott Markham M&M Eye Institute

Bensinger Consulting saved us over $60,000 during a BSA audit.

lynne-strattanShortly after a disgruntled former employee left, we found ourselves being audited by the Business Software Alliance (BSA). Our software was legitimate, but BSA wanted to fine us over $60,000 because they didn’t understand our Microsoft licensing. We had used our Microsoft Software Assurance to upgrade our workstations to Office ProPlus after Office Small Business was discontinued. Ed Bensinger personally organized a conference call between himself, BSA, and Microsoft to prove that our software was legitimate. Having Bensinger Consulting manage our Microsoft licensing for us, and go to bat for us during a BSA audit, saved us over $60,000 in fines because the licensing is so complicated even BSA didn’t understand it.

Lynne Strattan Bootz & Duke Sign Company

I have had zero downtime in the two years that Bensinger Consulting has been hosting my server in the cloud.

I need a solution where I have absolutely no down time.  I mean zero.  I cannot tolerate anything less in my operations. I am not an IT person and have no desire to maintain my own backups, install updates, etc.  I need those potential problems to be someone else's problem.  I need 100% of my time available to my core competencies.  Since Bensinger Consulting began hosting my server two years ago, I have had no down time and my IT headaches are gone.

Cathy Goodwin Goodwin Accounting

Our VoIP Phone System is Easy To Use

Bensinger Consulting installed our VoIP phone system for us. Now we are able to use call routing to make sure calls are sent to the right area.

The system is easy to use and Bensinger Consulting provided us with all the training we needed. They have a great service model with excellent follow-up.

Joseph Scheid Legacy Advisors Arizona

Very Professional and Easy To Work With

From creating user logins to managing our servers, Bensinger Consulting is always very professional and easy to work with. We especially rely on them for the higher level of system management and server infrastructure. They are always available when we need someone. We appreciate their quick response time!

Michael Miller Truss Fab Companies

Hosted Servers Make It Easy For Our Business To Grow

Our business has several locations.  Hosting our servers in the cloud with Bensinger Consulting makes it possible for our employees to seamlessly work together.  As our business has grown, Ed has personally been available to make recommendations for our growing needs.  Plus, I don’t have to worry about any server maintenance.  Bensinger Consulting takes care of all that for us!  They also offer great service.  Anytime we call for support, the phone is answered by someone who is able to fix the issue.  Problems are fixed quickly and correctly the first time.

Paul Doizé A Team Leasing, LLC, dba Buddy's Home Furnishings

So glad we changed IT companies!

newman_montreal_headshotIf you are thinking about using Bensinger Consulting for your IT company, 'Jump!'  We left our last IT company because of their arrogant attitude toward us.  We have had a positive experience since making the switch to Bensinger Consulting.  They provide us with options based on our needs and cost.  They have a fast response time without a lot of technical double talk.  Bensinger Consulting is great to work with.

Newman Johnston Teas, Etc.

Workstation as a Service Gives Us Reliable Access To Our Systems

Using Bensinger Consulting for Workstation as a Service gives us reliable service, competent technical support, a consistently high level of customer service, and outstanding response times.

Tina Leadbetter President, The Accountant's Office, LLC

Just F’ing Do It

Our old phone system had one main number that everyone called.  Since we changed phone systems with Bensinger Consulting, we now have a different phone number for each department.  This means that Dispatch is no longer getting Accounting calls, etc.  Additionally, we are able to 4 digit dial between office locations, something we couldn’t do before.  We also have call recording now for billing purposes and to avoid any potential disputes.  Anytime we have a question or problem (phone related or otherwise), Bensinger Consulting answers their phone live and promptly fixes any issues.  If you’re on the fence about using Bensinger Consulting for your phone or IT needs, just f’ing do it!

Elaine Hall Comptroller, DV Towing

Our Problems Are Fixed On The First Call

The biggest benefit to using Bensinger Consulting has been the hands off.  When we have a problem, we make a phone call.  Whoever answers knows our system, knows our quirks, and can usually remote in to solve our problem quickly.  We don’t get passed from level to level in tech support.  The person answering the call has almost always repaired our problem on that same call.  Bensinger Consulting is quick, accurate, familiar, proactive, responsive and trustworthy.  They have all the qualities we look for in a company that has the responsibility of maintaining our most valuable asset, Information, and our ability to securely get to it and maintain its integrity.

John Stevenson President & CEO, TeamMulticom, Inc.

Workstation as a Service Has Made Our Team Members More Efficient

Using Workstation as a Service allows our employees to have one remote access point for all programs.  Service techs can be on a job site and pull up necessary documentation to service equipment.  Remote team members are more efficient.  Also, support is stellar!  Any employee can call or email the support team and quickly have their problem solved.  Just make the call now!  You will be happy you chose Bensinger Consulting.

Courtney Thompson General Manager, Greenfield Dynamics

Price Is Not Always The Deciding Factor

When someone talked to me about using a much cheaper IT company, I told them I have come to trust Bensinger Consulting to do a great job and price is not always the deciding factor.  To me, the speedy service to solve a problem is much more valuable.  I have been burned too many times in the past, and having someone that always performs quickly to our perfect satisfaction means a lot to me.  Most of our problems went away once we started using Bensinger Consulting, but when we do have a problem, Bensinger Consulting is just a phone call away.  They have always solved my problem speedily, usually while still on the phone with them.  I would not use a cheaper IT company just to save a few bucks.

Ann Wilson Executive Director, Yavapai County Food Bank

Get a FREE, No Obligation, Security And Network Assessment!

Would you like a 2nd opinion about your IT Services, but don’t want your current IT company to know?

Would you like discreet confirmation that your security services are really keeping you secure? And that your backups are really backing up?

Contact us for your FREE, No Obligation, Security And Network Assessment!

We will contact you prior to beginning our assessment. Nothing will be installed on your network. When we’re done, we’ll provide you with written documentation of our findings at NO OBLIGATION to you.

Call (602) 362-0202
or use the form below.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Cybersecurity is like insurance. There is never a need for insurance until something happens, but if you don’t already have insurance… at that point it’s too late.

Waiting until you’ve been hacked is the wrong time to get serious about cybersecurity. We use Bensinger Consulting for cybersecurity services and we have never been hacked. They keep our firewall and network devices impregnable from outside hackers clacking away at their keyboards. They also provide our employees with ongoing training and phishing emails. If anyone clicks on a link, Bensinger Consulting receives notification and follows up with targeted training. Bensinger Consulting is not the cheapest IT company, but price isn’t the issue. The issue is value. Going with a cheaper IT company won’t save you money in the long run if your most valuable assets are vulnerable to hackers and naïve employees. I have known other business owners who did NOT take cybersecurity seriously and THEY WERE HACKED. I sleep well at night knowing that Bensinger Consulting keeps safe everything for which I have worked so hard.

Rick Cox President & CEO, RLC Labs

We are able to seamlessly integrate multiple office locations with Bensinger Consulting.

Bensinger Consulting has been hosting our servers in the cloud since 2011. We have multiple office locations. Having our servers hosted in the cloud gives us secure, remote access from any location. Bensinger Consulting consolidated our email so that we can easily use multiple email addresses (e.g.,,, Their Virtual Office solution is also scalable. We can add or remove users as needed by leasing the software on a monthly basis. In 2012 we began using a hosted PBX solution for our phones which has allowed us to seamlessly integrate multiple office locations. Bensinger Consulting always gives us prompt support whenever we need them.

Vijay Patibandla, VP of AZ Operations RBW Companies

Bensinger Consulting is always available when I need them.

ryan-coreyI can and actually have called at just about any time, day or night.  Bensinger Consulting has always been available when I need them.  I recently called to get some computers setup and a technician was in our office in less than an hour and stayed for the rest of the day.  They have done a great job keeping our network secure and running properly so that I don't have to worry about it.

Ryan Corey, Operations Manager Lee & Associates in Phoenix

BusinessEvault gives me the ability to collaborate with office staff while traveling outside the office.

marc-pierce-leeBusinessEvault gives me the freedom to work outside the office on my mobile devices while collaborating with office staff. Our files stay synchronized no matter where I am.

Marc Pierce, Principal Lee & Associates Commercial Real Estate Services
Phoenix, AZ

Things Are Setup Right The First Time

Their staff is knowledgeable. They set things up right the first time. We have not had any significant issues since hiring Bensinger Consulting for our IT services. When we do need to call, our problems are fixed quickly and correctly!

Carl Lind Wizard Education

Bensinger Consulting Takes Security Into Account With All Their Solutions

I am a one-man IT department and I’m so thankful to have Bensinger Consulting as part of my team.  I am able to utilize their tools and expertise to implement solid security solutions.  Also, I am able to go on vacation and truly relax knowing that Bensinger Consulting will take care of things while I’m away.  If you’re a one-man IT department and you need a team that has your back, give Bensinger Consulting a call!

Robert Polk PEM Real Estate Group

They Keep Us Safe and Excellent Response Times

Cyber security threats are constantly evolving.  Bensinger Consulting keeps our systems safe from employee errors and outside threats.  They manage our network and computers so that we can do what we do best, serve our customers.  They provide us with the information we need to make informed decisions about our business.  Their technicians are always patient and take the time to break down issues into language we can understand.  They have excellent response times and are always there when we need them, both during the normal work week and after hours.

Heather Hendon Danny’s Truck Wash

They Made Improving Our Security EASY

We are not technical, but they made improving our security EASY.  They make sure we meet data security requirements for our industry.  If you have non-technical people, Bensinger Consulting will be very patient.  They have excellent customer service!

Melanie Mroz C2C Advisors

Reliable Uptime and Very Responsive!

They significantly improved my uptime by configuring my network and server correctly.  They were able to fix issues that my previous IT firm was unable to fix.

Bensinger Consulting takes a common sense approach to IT and keeps things simple, even when the projects are very complex.  When we do need to call them, they are always very responsive.

James Peacock SKU Distribution

Bensinger Consulting Keeps Us Safe, Secure and Functioning at the Highest Level

Bensinger Consulting keeps us safe, secure and functioning at the highest level. We never have to worry about our information getting out there. Also, every single time we have requested help with an issue it has been handled quickly, thoroughly and kindly. Ed and his people are wonderful to work with. They are part of our team. We appreciate them so much! Any business would be lucky to have Bensinger Consulting for their IT company.

Dr. Jennifer Mundt Delete Tattoo Removal

Always buy Microsoft software from a Microsoft Partner!

As a growing health care company, our IT demands are significant. When we reached out to Bensinger Consulting to have our servers, networking structure and software analyzed in preparation for growth, it was discovered that our Microsoft licensing was not only inadequate for our use, but also illegitimate - even though we had paid our prior IT company for legitimate software. As a Microsoft Certified Partner, Bensinger Consulting was able to straighten out our Microsoft licensing before being audited by Microsoft or Business Software Alliance (BSA) which would have resulted in tens of thousands of dollars in fines. In addition, Bensinger Consulting discovered that our prior IT company had left us with several network security vulnerabilities. That is a very serious concern in the age of digital medical records. Bensinger Consulting helped us secure multiple vulnerabilities in our network. We are thankful for their professional, responsive, and honest approach to business.

Dr. Scott Markham M&M Eye Institute

Bensinger Consulting saved us over $60,000 during a BSA audit.

lynne-strattanShortly after a disgruntled former employee left, we found ourselves being audited by the Business Software Alliance (BSA). Our software was legitimate, but BSA wanted to fine us over $60,000 because they didn’t understand our Microsoft licensing. We had used our Microsoft Software Assurance to upgrade our workstations to Office ProPlus after Office Small Business was discontinued. Ed Bensinger personally organized a conference call between himself, BSA, and Microsoft to prove that our software was legitimate. Having Bensinger Consulting manage our Microsoft licensing for us, and go to bat for us during a BSA audit, saved us over $60,000 in fines because the licensing is so complicated even BSA didn’t understand it.

Lynne Strattan Bootz & Duke Sign Company

I have had zero downtime in the two years that Bensinger Consulting has been hosting my server in the cloud.

I need a solution where I have absolutely no down time.  I mean zero.  I cannot tolerate anything less in my operations. I am not an IT person and have no desire to maintain my own backups, install updates, etc.  I need those potential problems to be someone else's problem.  I need 100% of my time available to my core competencies.  Since Bensinger Consulting began hosting my server two years ago, I have had no down time and my IT headaches are gone.

Cathy Goodwin Goodwin Accounting

Our VoIP Phone System is Easy To Use

Bensinger Consulting installed our VoIP phone system for us. Now we are able to use call routing to make sure calls are sent to the right area.

The system is easy to use and Bensinger Consulting provided us with all the training we needed. They have a great service model with excellent follow-up.

Joseph Scheid Legacy Advisors Arizona

Very Professional and Easy To Work With

From creating user logins to managing our servers, Bensinger Consulting is always very professional and easy to work with. We especially rely on them for the higher level of system management and server infrastructure. They are always available when we need someone. We appreciate their quick response time!

Michael Miller Truss Fab Companies

Hosted Servers Make It Easy For Our Business To Grow

Our business has several locations.  Hosting our servers in the cloud with Bensinger Consulting makes it possible for our employees to seamlessly work together.  As our business has grown, Ed has personally been available to make recommendations for our growing needs.  Plus, I don’t have to worry about any server maintenance.  Bensinger Consulting takes care of all that for us!  They also offer great service.  Anytime we call for support, the phone is answered by someone who is able to fix the issue.  Problems are fixed quickly and correctly the first time.

Paul Doizé A Team Leasing, LLC, dba Buddy's Home Furnishings

So glad we changed IT companies!

newman_montreal_headshotIf you are thinking about using Bensinger Consulting for your IT company, 'Jump!'  We left our last IT company because of their arrogant attitude toward us.  We have had a positive experience since making the switch to Bensinger Consulting.  They provide us with options based on our needs and cost.  They have a fast response time without a lot of technical double talk.  Bensinger Consulting is great to work with.

Newman Johnston Teas, Etc.

Workstation as a Service Gives Us Reliable Access To Our Systems

Using Bensinger Consulting for Workstation as a Service gives us reliable service, competent technical support, a consistently high level of customer service, and outstanding response times.

Tina Leadbetter President, The Accountant's Office, LLC

Just F’ing Do It

Our old phone system had one main number that everyone called.  Since we changed phone systems with Bensinger Consulting, we now have a different phone number for each department.  This means that Dispatch is no longer getting Accounting calls, etc.  Additionally, we are able to 4 digit dial between office locations, something we couldn’t do before.  We also have call recording now for billing purposes and to avoid any potential disputes.  Anytime we have a question or problem (phone related or otherwise), Bensinger Consulting answers their phone live and promptly fixes any issues.  If you’re on the fence about using Bensinger Consulting for your phone or IT needs, just f’ing do it!

Elaine Hall Comptroller, DV Towing

Our Problems Are Fixed On The First Call

The biggest benefit to using Bensinger Consulting has been the hands off.  When we have a problem, we make a phone call.  Whoever answers knows our system, knows our quirks, and can usually remote in to solve our problem quickly.  We don’t get passed from level to level in tech support.  The person answering the call has almost always repaired our problem on that same call.  Bensinger Consulting is quick, accurate, familiar, proactive, responsive and trustworthy.  They have all the qualities we look for in a company that has the responsibility of maintaining our most valuable asset, Information, and our ability to securely get to it and maintain its integrity.

John Stevenson President & CEO, TeamMulticom, Inc.

Workstation as a Service Has Made Our Team Members More Efficient

Using Workstation as a Service allows our employees to have one remote access point for all programs.  Service techs can be on a job site and pull up necessary documentation to service equipment.  Remote team members are more efficient.  Also, support is stellar!  Any employee can call or email the support team and quickly have their problem solved.  Just make the call now!  You will be happy you chose Bensinger Consulting.

Courtney Thompson General Manager, Greenfield Dynamics

Price Is Not Always The Deciding Factor

When someone talked to me about using a much cheaper IT company, I told them I have come to trust Bensinger Consulting to do a great job and price is not always the deciding factor.  To me, the speedy service to solve a problem is much more valuable.  I have been burned too many times in the past, and having someone that always performs quickly to our perfect satisfaction means a lot to me.  Most of our problems went away once we started using Bensinger Consulting, but when we do have a problem, Bensinger Consulting is just a phone call away.  They have always solved my problem speedily, usually while still on the phone with them.  I would not use a cheaper IT company just to save a few bucks.

Ann Wilson Executive Director, Yavapai County Food Bank